Mortal Kombat 4

We were recently discussing our favourite Mortal Kombat games and comparing it to the lists online and my thoughts are that everyone’s favourite games, movies and TV shows are all based on nostalgia, and this plays a massive part in what you prefer.

My brother was a massive MK4 fan, as was I. We probably sank 6 months minimum into this game when it came out, so it will always hold a very special place for me.

I must admit, as much as we are massive fans of the franchise, we didn’t know that there was a Dreamcast exclusive version of the game called Mortal Kombat Gold that had all of the original MK4 characters, but even more added in!

Some of the extra characters included Kitana, Cyrax, Kung Lao & Barraka!

Well, as soon as we found out, you better believe that we dived straight in to play this version! As much as the engine isn’t anything compared to the newer fighting games, I would still say that the game is enjoyable for a nostalgic throwback.

Here is a video of me playing some Kitana!

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