Monster in My Pocket Ultimate Guide: Figures, Merchandise, and More!

Monster in My Pocket (MIMP) was a toy line created by Matchbox in 1990. These miniature bendy rubber figures depicted a whole array of different monsters and mythical creatures. Each monster had a point value, representing the monster’s relative power and the figurine’s scarcity, but most of us simply collected them because they looked so cool!

One of my favourite lines was the Monster Wrestlers in my pocket as I was a massive WWF fan back in the day. On my journey, I will document any of these figures that I come across and upload them here for you to see.

If you would like to join me on my journey to collecting these lines, please check out my YouTube channel or back to this page regularly (Last update 19/01/2024). I will add a photo to each of the lists to show that I have collected that figure!


List of Figures

Series 1

There were 48 figures in the original series of Monster in My Pocket (1990) and they came in a few different colours (and different shades of those colours). The figures came in red, yellow, green, purple, neon-green, neon-yellow, orange, violet, pink, neon orange, blue and glow-in-the-dark white.

These figures also came in a ‘secret 12 pack’ (See picture below)

MonsterOfficial Description
Great Beast
An awesome, very powerful monster with many poisonous heads and wings.
Greek; a flying serpent. When it loses 1 head, 2 more grow in its place.
A cursed man who turns into a wolf every full moon and must hunt and kill.
Jewish; An outrageously huge beast which some say is the king of all beasts.
Medieval Europe; this beast has the back half of a lion and the front of an eagle.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
The king of the dinosaurs.
A monster that is part serpent, rooster and bat, and can kill with its gaze.
Greek; a race of giants with one eye in the middle of their foreheads.
Japanese; these winged beasts capture those who are in the forest after dark.
Greek; a being with the upper body of a man, the lower body of a fish.
A sea creature so huge, sailors mistake it for an island and get their ships crushed by it.
Jotun Troll
Scandinavian; children of the Norse god of frost. They cause snow storms and avalanches to trap victims.
The Monster
Violent creature made up of pieces robbed from graves and then brought to life.
Persian; Has a lion’s body, human head, and poisoned spines that it can shoot like arrows.
Egyptian; underworld god who destroys those who violate sacred temples.
Aztec; has clawed hands and feet, eats filth, and breathes it as a weapon.
This huge hairy beast is thought to be the missing link between man and ape.
Baba Yaga
Russian; flies in a pot to stir up storms and hurricanes to catch victims.
Indian; the Hindu goddess of destructive forces with skin that sheds like a snake.
A beast who walks with his head near the ground. If you look into his eyes you die.
Greek; evil, twisted creature that can shriek to drive its victims to madness.
A huge head with many rows of teeth and legs. On its snout is a lure to catch prey.
A goblin that is mischievous and plays childish pranks.
Algonkian indian; a man-eater. You can become one by resorting to cannibalism.
Red Cap
Scottish; evil goblin who lives in old ruins and dyes his cap with blood.
Greek; a woman with snakes for hair. Look at her and you turn to stone.
A very mean, distorted being who hides in dark places to scare people.
Greek; the watchdog of Hades. Has 3 heads, a snake tail and snakes as a collar.
Dead person who has been re-animated. Used as a weapon he can’t be killed.
Greek; a fire-breathing lion with a snake’s tail and a goat head on its back.
The spirit of a person who died too soon. They scare the living as revenge.
A giant that eats people. He is scary, but stupid and easily fooled.
A living corpse that feeds on the blood of the living and makes them his slaves.
Arabian; an enormous scavenger bird big enough to carry off two elephants.
Small flying creatures who love to bother pilots or cause aircraft trouble.
The eternal mate to the vampire, A vampiress was a vampire’s victim who now helps him.
A very mean little monster that robs graves, feeds on the dead and helps the evil.
The Phantom
A man that hides because of his disfigured face. Hurts anyone in his way.
Mad Scientist
A crazy genius who made a potion to bring out the violence in every person.
Winged Panther
This beast has all the strength of a panther but can also fly.
Egyptian; this dead person has risen to get revenge on anyone who disturbs his rest.
Greek; a cruel, filthy old man that ferries the souls of the dead into Hades.
The Beast
This is a knight that is now a wild beast. Can only be tamed by a woman.
Female who practices black magic with potions, curses and spells.
Spring-Heeled Jack
English; has eyes of flame. Can jump hundreds of feet; is a bogeyman.
Invisible Man
A mad scientist who made himself invisible to commit crimes.
Human bones which capture people as revenge.
A horribly disfigured man that lives in towers and dumps hot melted lead on his victims.
Thank you to the wiki for this list (Source)

Series 2 – (Complete)

The second installment of Monster in My Pocket figures, known as Series 2, swiftly followed the debut of the original figures in 1992. This collection consisted of a mere twenty-four monsters, distinguished by their vibrant colors such as neon green (slightly deeper than the neon green in Series 1), blue, pink, and orange.

Notably, only a handful of these creatures made appearances in any Monster in My Pocket media. The packaging options ranged from a comprehensive 24-box set encompassing all Series 2 figures to 12-box assortments featuring a single 30-point monster accompanied by eleven randomly selected monsters.

This series marked the introduction of the initial 30-point monsters while eliminating the 5-point counterparts.

A noteworthy alteration took place due to protests: the Hindu deity Ganesha was removed from the majority of releases in the United Kingdom, except for the earliest ones. This modification rendered the presence of this particular monster pretty rare within the UK. In the UK, 24-packs included a Series 1 monster in lieu of Ganesha.

MonsterOfficial Description
Gigantic fire-breathing beast, afraid of nothing.
English; Flying monster with long claws, huge jaws, and flaming eyes.
The master of magic, more powerful than wizards or sorcerors.
Scandinavian; Frost giant, the first creature in the universe, can freeze anything.
Swamp Beast
A horrible humanoid creature that lives in swamps and attacks people.
Jewish; A huge powerful clay man brought to life as a protector against all evil.
Scorpion Man
Arabian; half-man, half-scorpion, with bow and arrow and a poisonous stinger tail.
Loch Ness Monster
Scottish; taunts mankind with glimpses of itself; may be the last living dinosaur on Earth.
French; Has a lion’s head, six bear claws, spikes down his back and a viper’s tail.
Bishop Fish
Gigantic sea creature who can raise storms and capsize boats.
Herne the Hunter
English; England’s most famous ghost, clad in deerskin and a stag’s skull helmet; lives in Windsor Park
Ancient Gorgon
Greek; Hideous maiden with snakes for hair, golden wings, bronze claws, and glaring eyes.
Ectoplasmic Phantom
A spirit in the physical world, who produces the otherworldly ectoplasm to overcome victims.
Hindu; Potbellied monster with head of an elephant and the body of a man.
Elbow Witch
Algonkian Indian; Very sneaky woman with sharp knives or awls for elbows.
Greek; Large monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man. Very fast and strong.
Irish/Scottish; Sea fairy with a fish tail, covered in scales, wearing a red feathered cap.
Scottish; A horse-like creature with one eye, a human torso on its back and no skin.
Undead being that is semi-transparent; can scare the wits out of people.
Bloody Bones
Spirit that haunts houses to scare unwary people.
Egyptian; Male humanoid spirit with a crocodile’s head.
Tree spirit who lives in forests and attacks travelers.
Sea creature who is the spirit of a woman who died by drowning and seeks revenge.
Medieval Europe; Grotesque wide-mouthed creatures found on medieval buildings who attack people.
Thank you for the wiki for providing this list (Source)

Series 3

Monster in My Pocket Series 3 was never released in the UK (Only USA & Canada), with the exception of Blemmyea that you could get by buying the video game. As a result, this collection is considered the rarest for us. The only way to obtain these figures was through Shreddies cereal or at Big Boy restaurants. Massive thank you to MIMP Collective for these pictures. Give them a look here

MonsterOfficial Description
A gigantic sea serpant with rows of razor sharp teeth.
Abominable Snowman
Himyalayan; A huge, white, ape-like being, that has lived for centuries.
Egyptian; Jackal-headed protector of the dead.
African; two-headed creature who never sleeps.
Most famous Greek monster, half-man and half-horse.
An oracle, he can reveal lies and tell the future.
A bird-woman whose sweet song is deadly.
Jimmy Squarefoot
An evil humanoid with a pig’s head.
Nomadic Nubians living in the north of Africa described as having no head, merely a space upon their shoulders

Series 4 – Super Scary

Series 4 (also known as Super Scary) of Monsters in My Pocket, are slightly larger than the original Monsters, and had more than one colour, making them look more detailed. Their standard colours are green, yellow, orange, and purple. The six 100-point monsters were made from glow-in-the-dark yellow or green rubber, distinguishing them from the lower-value monsters. There were versions of these figures that were a single colour, but these were mostly Cereal Giveaways (and are rarer).

MonsterOfficial Description
Etruscan; Ancient demon who carries a hammer which he uses on his victims. Rereleased as Sledgehammer.
Biggest and fiercest giant who seeks revenge on all humans for the death of his uncle who was killed by “Jack.”
Hindu; Hindu monkey spirit; with immortal powers. He can fly, become invisible, and change his shape.
Tibet; The fearsome spirit of the netherworld. He cloaks himself in flames. Rereleased as Fire Creature.
Arabian; Shapeshifter lurks in lonely places in order to capture lone travelers. Rereleased as Shapeshifter.
A supernatural demon who tempts mortals with the easy life and lures them into his web. Rereleased as Mutant Spider.
European; a demon that takes possession of a living person and is denied eternal peace.
Greek; A female spirit with the habits of a vampire. Known to remove victims’ eyes and keep them. Rereleased as Bloodsucker.
Grave Watcher
Uneasy spirit who can’t rest since his grave was robbed and vows to protect all graves from thieves.
Creature from the Closet
American; well-known yet poorly documented creature of darkness. Lurks in dark places and waits to terrify its victims.
English; Ghost seeking revenge for his unjust hanging. He appears with a noose around his neck and in chains.
Jenny Greenteeth
English; Water-dwelling spirit who pulls people into the water to be with her for eternity.
Zombie, whose job is to raise zombies, causes injury with use of victims’ hair, nails, or skin. Rereleased as Undead Zombie.
Mad Gasser of Mattoon
American; Rumour has it that this strange figure wearing a gas mask sprays gas into rooms and flees. Re-released as Mad Gasser.
English; A nightmare witch who has the power to haunt any victim with terrible visions. Rereleased as Nightmare Witch.
A rather unpleasant type of spirit who delights in tormenting and frightening humans.
Alu / Bag O’Bones
Assyrian; Hideous looking phantom who often appears with limbs missing and envelops its victims. Re-released as Bag O’Bones.
Scottish; His habit is to track and torment people who travel after dark.
Jersey Devil
American; Born in the pine barrens of New Jersey from a gypsy’s curse on a young girl, he escaped into the woods and still lives there.
European; a ravenous vampire who torments loved ones and places them under his spell to carry out his deeds.
German; A noisy, mischievous, destructive, spiteful and cunning spirit that infests humans rather than haunting them as a ghost.
Umi Bozu
Japanese; Giant sea phantom who terrifies seamen, destroys their ships and takes them to a watery grave. Rereleased as Giant Sea Phantom.
Wildman of China
Hairy ape-like creature, a Chinese version of Bigfoot, believed to have survived for millions of years.
Lives in volcanic caves. A small humanoid creature with batlike wings, the Imp attacks with the stinger in its tail.
Thank you to the wiki for providing this list (Source)

Series 5 – Super Creepies

Black Widow Spider
Jumping Spider
Wolf Spider
Turret Spider
Crab Spider
Soldier Beetle
Soldier Fly
Robber Fly
Armoured Cockroach
Vampire Leaf Hopper
Lightning Bug
Eastern Toe Biter
Stink Bug
One Eyed Jack
Clubtail Dragonfly
Dog Face Butterfly
Horntail Moth
Scarface Scorpion
Mexican Bed Bug
Lady Bug
Cave Cricket
Hunchback Beetle

Series 6 – Dinosaurs

In 1992, the Dinosaurs line, also recognized as Series 6 of Monster in My Pocket, was introduced. These figures could be acquired in packs of 2, 6, and 12, and were often labeled as “Dinosaur in My Pocket” in certain markets, primarily targeting European audiences.

Crafted from durable molded plastic, the Dinosaurs came in an assortment of colors including dark green, yellow, violet, brown, and orange, all adorned with painted details. Their point values spanned from 55 to 150 points, marking a decrease compared to the preceding series.

While most of the figures represented genuine dinosaurs, the lineup also encompassed various non-dinosaurian prehistoric creatures.

In a departure from Battle Cards, the Dinosaurs in 2-packs were accompanied by Fact Cards, offering information about each creature’s size, weight, and era of existence. A comprehensive set of Fact Cards was made available to collectors.

Subsequently, the series was reissued as the Secret Skeleton Dinosaurs. These variants featured a reactive pigment layer that revealed a rudimentary outline of each creature’s skeleton when wet. Some enthusiasts commonly refer to these as Series 6b.

145 Tyrannosaurus Rex
146 Apatosaurus
147 Triceratops
148 Stegosaurus
149 Ceratosaurus
150 Spinosaurus
151 Iguanodon
152 Plateosaurus
153 Woolly Mammoth
154 Cave Man
155 Pteranodon
156 Dimetrodon
157 Sabretooth Tiger
158 Ankylosaurus
159 Chasmosaurus
160 Teratosaurus
161 Styracosaurus
162 Deinonychus
163 Struthiomimus
164 Kentrosaurus
165 Monoclonius
166 Parasaurolophus
167 Lambeosaurus
168 Baby Protoceratops

Series 7 – Space Aliens (Complete)

This series was one that I completely forgot about, basically, they went in a completely new direction and instead of basing the creatures off of legends/myths, they created aliens!

There were only 16 figures released in this series and the really cool thing about these figures is that they had heat-reveal panels on their back that once you pressed them with your finger, it would reveal the value of the figure!

Space Dinosaur
Floyd the Android
Blaster of the Universe
Full Moon Freak
Nova Scorcher
Jumbo Jupiter Junkeater
Laser Blaster
Asteroid Attack Android
Venus Booby Trapper
Creature from the Black Hole
Meteor Monster
Star Scorpion
Saturn Scumsucker
Sun Poisoner
Martian Maniac
Radioactive Uranium Rodent

Wrestlers in My Pocket

With the massive popularity of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and World Championship Wrestling (WCW), Monster in My Pocket decided to release a line of figures called Wrestlers in My Pocket to ride the wrestling train once the main Monster in My Pocket line ended. This series contained a total of 45 monsters as well as some accessories that you could get too! There was also a Kellogg’s campaign with this line. If you would like to view the price guide for Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket, please click here!

1. Iron Mighty
2.  Jester Minute
3. Brad the Barbarian
4.  Texas Turbo
5.  Shark Bite
6.  Mane Man
7.  Cross Bones
8.  Frank the Stone
9. Tony the Coach
10.Double Header
11. Hog Stomper
12. Nuclear Ninja
13. Simian Smasher
14. Howlin’ Prowlin’ Werewolf
15. Sabretooth
16. Toad Trasher
17. Gizzard the Lizard
18. Piranha Piledriver
19. Grunt
20. One Eyed Jack
21. Gargoyle
22. Bulldog Drumhead
23. Bloodsucker the Vampire
24. Stickleback
25. Crusher Cossack
26. Steel Slammer
27. General Mayhem
28. Man O’ Arms
29. Goonie
30. Julio the Mauler
31. Chain Gang Chomper
32. The Executioner
33. Congo King
34. Bully Beef
35. Smasher Basher
36. Headbanger
37. Sgt. Strangle
38. Coach Harry Headlock
39. Referee ‘Double’ Nelson
40. Referee ‘Final’ Countdown
41. Tongue Tied
42. Pin Head
43. Ortho the Ogre
44. Deadly Night Nurse
45. Dr. Suture Self

As part of this series, you also had:

Tarantula Stretcher.

Training Weight

Monster Cup


Colour Variants

There were some variant colours for the wrestlers, however some of them required you to send away via mail order, taping a 50p coin for postage (Such a great and exciting concept). Below is from the back of the packs that you could collect and send away. The two tag team figures were Toad Thrasher & Gizzard the Lizard in their black outfits.

Kellogg’s Campaign

Monster in My Pocket leaped into popularity with marketing campaigns with Kellogg’s. You were able to find these figures inside your cereal. Why don’t they do that anymore? That was the best part of breakfast!
Here are some scans of the packaging to give you an idea of what they looked like:

Wrestling Accessories

The Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket accessories got really impressive by the end of the line. I wasn’t lucky enough to own these as a kid, but collecting them as an adult seems just as satisfying.

Grappling Billboard

This unique accessory was unlike anything I have ever seen with a line of miniature figures. When you were setting up your match, you could put the wrestler’s cards up on this board so that everyone is aware of who the main attraction was! (You can see a closer video of this piece here). Below is a sample of what the cards look like.

Monster Wrestler in My Pocket Wrestling Ring

If you were going to create an accessory for the Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket line, the very first thing to make would be an EPIC wrestling ring! The theme of this ring is just fantastic and fits in line with their brand really well!

Monster in My Pocket Tattoos

Nothing screams 90s nostalgia to me much more than those awesome temporary tattoos that you got in your childhood! You still get tattoos these days, but they seem to lack the cool factor that the old-school tats had!

Monster in My Pocket was so popular in the 90s that it would have been a mistake not to have temporary tattoos!

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Soap

To me, this might be the weirdest Monster in My Pocket product that existed. It was popular to create cartoon bubble bath in the 90s, but a bar of soap? Regardless, I love weird so this is a tick in my book!

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Comic/Annual Book

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Comic issue 1
Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Comic issue 2
Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Comic issue 3

I’m sure most of you reading this will know just how amazing comics were in our childhood. I used to love reading through the Beano and Simpsons comic books and the best parts were the freebies that came attached to the comics! (Usually was plastic toys or sweets).

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket wanted to cash in on this trend and set out to create what they thought would be an instant hit, but unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. The issues were really rushed and as a result this short-lived comic only lasted 3 issues!

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Jigsaw

What better way to keep the Monster in My Pocket kids focused and doing something that is more educational than battling their figures? Well, slapping your favourite brand onto a jigsaw of course! A massive thank you to our friend Keith Harrison who shared this awesome photo of the monster truck puzzle with me, I love the artwork!

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket – Manic Attack

Manic Attack was a Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket board game that involved tiles and tokens! Not a lot of these items are available, but if I get hold of one of them, I’ll share with you how the game works!

Monster Wrestlers in My Pocket Sticker Book

Wrestlers in My Pocket Prototypes

With a massive thank you to Olly Speed, we have an amazing set of photos of the prototypes for the Wrestlers in My Pocket series. Some of the ideas you can see inspired the released figures!

The Monster Sport Stars

Slam Dunk
Full Back Drac
Angry Oddity
Completely Batty
Spooky Sprinter
Werewolf Slugger
Tony The Referee
The Big Dipper
Abominable Snowboarder
Hard Puck
Howlin One

Ninja Warriors in My Pocket

Monster Ninja Warriors in My Pocket was a collection of seventeen monsters that emerged in 1996 as a continuation of the prosperous Monster Wrestlers line. Produced by Vivid Imaginations, these creatures entered the markets of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Distinguished by their construction from robust rubber, these figurines set themselves apart within the Monster in My Pocket series by being equipped with separate weapons that fit snugly in the figures’ grasp.

Each monster carried a dual-point valuation, comprised of a Warrior Skill assessment for the monster itself, coupled with a Weapon Power assessment for the accompanying accessory. Unlike the previous series, the aggregate points value was not imprinted on the monsters. Instead, the series capitalized on the prevailing Pogs trend by incorporating Power Caps in each package, revealing the points breakdown on the rear side. The cumulative points span ranged from 30 to 100 points.

The figures were made available in packages containing four or eight units. Additionally, two playsets were launched, each containing exclusive monsters: the ‘Twist-a-Fist’ set showcased Kung Fu-Neral and Shogun Slasher, while the ‘Crunch Punch’ set featured Sayonara Sucker and Bigfoot Kickboxer. The concluding monster, Karate Sid, could solely be procured through mail order, necessitating tokens from the packages. Interestingly, Karate Sid was a reimagining of #8, Kung Fu-Neral, rather than an entirely distinct sculpt.

1. Franken Ninja
2. Sumo Stomper
3. Rotten Hood
4. Skeleton Samurai
5. Dirty Hari Kari
6. Mohican Warlord
7. Eye-Do-Jujitsu
8. Kung Fu-Neral
9. Shogun Slasher
10. Sayonara Sucker
11. Terror Dactyl
12. Fear Wolf
13. None Chuck
14. Bigfoot Kickboxer
15. Cyber Samurai
16. Ninja Vulture
17. Karate Sid

2006 Series of Monster in My Pocket

The latest series of Monster in My Pocket, known as the 2006 relaunch or “2nd Generation,” was introduced in July 2006. This revamped series showcased 48 redesigned monsters, presented as detailed figurines with really cool painted finishes.

Unlike previous versions, these figurines did not have a stamped points value. However, each monster’s total points value could be found on its corresponding collectible Game Card. Additionally, a concealed bonus points value was accessible using a decoder light, which utilized a UV beam to reveal invisible ink. This bonus value was intended for use in the card game. The monsters were now categorized into 8 groups based on shared factors and characteristics (The Beasts, The Humanoids, The Ancients, The Winged, The Maniacs, The Dead, The Ghosts & The Sea Monsters). MEG created the series, which was distributed in the UK and Ireland by Corinthian Plc.

Unlike earlier releases, the distribution of the figures was no longer random, as all sets were visible and the same figures all came in the same sets.

Although the UK line comprised a complete set of 48 monsters, three specific ones—Phantom #42, Grim Watcher #36, and Ghost #37—were never made available in the UK or South American markets.

The Beast
The Monster
Red Cap
6-Armed Sorceress (Kali)
Winged Panther
Monkey Man
Mad Scientist
Mad Gasser
Grim Reaper
Headless Man
Grim Watcher
Invisible Man
Boogey Man
Swamp Beast
Loch Ness Monster

What is the rarest Monster in My Pocket Figure

Jotun Troll with Star

Hands down the rarest Monster in My Pocket figure is the elusive Star Jotun Troll. Featuring a star on its back, this figure was a prized gem, The reason this is so rare is that when you found it, you would send it in to get a mystery grab bag of Monsters in My Pocket toys! With staggering odds of 1 in 10,000 packs, the Jotun Troll remains a mysterious legend. Little is known about its exact numbers, adding to the mystique. This rare find continues to spark the curiosity of enthusiasts, making it a true masterpiece for those seeking the pinnacle of Monsters in My Pocket figures.

The cost of this figure isn’t quite known as there has never been one for sale (It seems that only 3 or 4 have been discovered). There was however a fake toy sold on ebay for over $800!

How do you know if your Star Jotun Troll is fake? I hear you ask! Apparently, the fake version only had the star on the back instead of the 20-point value being included.

Above is a picture of the rarest figure (thanks to and

Spaghetti-os Figure

There was also a line that was exclusively available in the USA via spaghetti-os, but the number of these figures is much more common than the star Jotun Troll.

The Spaghetti-os rare figures were only available if you sent away tokens from the cans to redeem your figure. The figures were a red/orange colour which is pretty fitting for the spaghetti-os brand!

Regional Releases

Some series were only released in specific regions, making them extremely rare in other countries. An example of this would be series 3. This series was only released in USA & Canada so for collectors in the United Kingdom, these would be considered very rare.

Another example of this would be the 2006 series of Monster in my pocket. 3 figures were only released in Australia, New Zealand & South Africa making them very rare indeed! (Grim Watcher, Phantom & Ghost)

Karate Sid

Karate Sid is part of the Ninja Warriors in My Pocket series. This figure was only available by mail order when you collected enough tokens from the back of the packs.

Other Monster in My Pocket Products

Kids just couldn’t get enough of Monsters in My Pocket! It was so popular that they were able to expand their product range to include accessories, comics, and other fantastic spin-offs.

Super Scary Howlers

Monsters in My Pocket Super Scary Howlers were 5-inch figures that were released alongside the Series 4 Super Scary range. There were 4 monsters available in this line (Vampire, The Monster, Swamp Beast, and Werewolf) that had light-up eyes and sound effects when the button was pressed!

The Werewolf’s sound was a howl, the Vampire an evil laugh, the Monster a growl, and the Swamp Beast a grumble. Each figure was sold separately, in a blister pack.

Monster in My Pocket Stickers and Sticker Book

As with most franchises in the 90s and 00s, sticker books were the in thing. I think that most of us at some point or another were drawn in by the allure of the sticker book! I’m sure there is a lot more on the list, but the main two were the Pokemon stickers and Scottish Premier League (Don’t judge, I was a kid growing up in Glasgow).

Monster in My Pocket Diary

Before the true dawn of the digital age, diaries were your own personal version of social media, noting down what happened that day, your plans to play at on the slides and anything else that popped into your little brain at the time!

Monster in My Pocket Milk Caps (Pogs)

Milk Caps (Also known as Pogs) was a game where you stacked cardboard circles and dropped a heavier ‘slammer’ onto the stack with the intention to cause as much chaos and send them flying. The player keeps any face up milks caps and the face down pieces are re-stacked for the next players turn. The winner was the person with the most caps at the end!

Monster in My Pocket NES Game

Monster in My Pocket released an awesome platformer game on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1992. The complete in box version of this game is quite expensive as it came with an exclusive figure called Blemmyes!

The game had mixed reviews with some people finding the gameplay boring, but I thought (and still do) think it was a lot of fun to play!

Monster in My Pocket Backpack

I wasn’t quite lucky enough to have owned this treasure in primary school (And didn’t know anyone who did), but I’m sure that whoever did have this was seen as the king of cool backpacks!

Monster in My Pocket Lunchbox

What school bag would be complete without an awesome lunchbox and thermus? Well don’t worry, Monster in My Pocket had you covered with this awesome red set!

Monster Mountain

Monster Mountain was and is the ultimate display piece for anyone who collected Monster in My Pocket! This awesome item came with stickers for each of the monsters and enough space to display every single different monster in the series!

Monster in My Pocket Board Games

There were a few different board games released from the Monster in My Pocket line. Board games were a staple for Christmas presents each year so it made sense that there would be a few different games to give the kids something new to play!

Monster Clash Board Game

The Monster Clash board game (1991) came with 12 Series 1 figures: purple Bigfoot, yellow Kali, red Catoblepas, green Harpy, green Cerberus, red Zombie, purple Chimera, yellow Ghost, purple Mummy, yellow Charon, green Witch, and red Spring-Heeled Jack.

Game includes 12 monsters, 2 castles, 2 volcanoes, 2 spinners, 2 dungeons, 2 launcher / catapults, 1 21″ x 30″ play board, 2 balls.

Monster Showdown

There isn’t a lot of information about this 2006 series game, but in essence, this was a card game.

The game came with two figures, eyeball decoder light, 24 power game cards and the game platform.

Each of the figures came with their own set of cards, so basically you chose which monster you wanted to play as and tried to beat the other player.

Return of the Dinosaurs Board Game

The Monster in My Pocket Dinosaurs had their very own board game too, called Return of the Dinosaurs.

Monster in My Pocket Stamp Set

Arts and crafts are still really popular with kids these days, but there was something awesome about the stationary and kits that you could get in the 90s, this item is a window into some of the cool items you could get at the time!

Monster in My Pocket Halloween Costume

Although I don’t think this product was available in the UK, across the pond, you were able to dress up as the Windigo with this official Monster in My Pocket costume.

Monster in My Pocket Membership Club

If you were cool enough to be a member of the Monster Club, you would sometimes get exclusive little items such as the below:

Monster in My Pocket Pinball Game

If you grew up before the 00s, you will probably be very familiar with this kind of game. Usually you would get them in party bags or lucky bags. the idea of the game is to flick the ball up and land it in one of the scoring areas! We were easily pleased back then…

Acne Studios Clothing

Thanks again to our friend Keith Harrison for bringing this clothing collab to my attention (and for bagging the cool hat!). Acne Studios done a Monster in My Pocket clothing collab in the spring of 2020 featuring a load of cool clothing items including hats, t-shirts, jumpers and socks!

Monster in My Pocket TV Show/VHS

Monster in My Pocket had a short-lived comedy Cartoon show although wasn’t overly popular with the masses, deserves a watch for anyone who loves Monster in My Pocket!

The story is relatable to collecting the monsters in real life! In summary, the Invisible Man was the Jailer to Monster Mountain where all of the bad monsters were imprisoned. Vampire, Medusa, and Swamp Beast attempt a jailbreak by shrinking themselves, but accidentally shrink the whole prison too!

The Invisible Man, Werewolf, Frankenstein, and Mummy try to recapture these monsters on the run, but come across challenges because they are still really small!

Here is some pictures of the VHS

Monster In My Pocket Party Pack

Have a birthday party and don’t want the hassle of making your own mediocre party bags up? Well, Monster in My Pocket has a solution! The Monster in My Pocket Party Pack includes 10 packs of figures!

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