The Golden Age of Cartoon Network

If you were lucky enough to have access to the Cartoon Network channel in the mid-90s to early 00s, you were in for an absolute treat of classic cartoons that were, in my opinion, the best cartoons of the era. The goofy cartoons with adult innuendos made for a perfect blend of family entertainment, it was enjoyed by both the older and younger kids (and the parents!).

Join me as we reminisce about these fantastic shows and if there is one that I’ve missed that you think should be on the list, let me know!

Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999)

Courage the Cowardly Dog is a show that certainly deserves its place in the hall of fame of the golden era of Cartoon Network. The show is based around a small purple dog that is terrified of absolutely everything because there is always some kind of monster or plot to harm his precious owner Muriel.

Johnny Bravo (1997)

Johnny Bravo is one of those great TV shows that would almost certainly never be made today. The show is about Johnny, a narcissistic guy who is out to bag himself a date with almost any ‘hot babe’ he finds… Okay, it sounds a little strange for a kids TV show, but it was great! Maybe you just had to be there!

Dexter’s Laboratory (1995)

Dexter’s Lab was one of the earlier Cartoon Network shows that paved the way for all the great shows that came afterward. A small boy with a genius mind works from his MASSIVE laboratory in his bedroom but keeps it hidden from his family, with the exception of his annoying sister Dee Dee.

This iconic show has so many memorable episodes that it’s just worth rewatching them all for the nostalgia!

Ed, Edd n Eddy (1999)

Ed, Edd n Eddy might be my favourite Cartoon Network show of all time. I thought the characters were really relatable. I was daft like Ed, but also had an entrepreneur spirit like Eddy (Although I don’t scam anyone), and I also had a best mate who was a brainiac!

I’ve rewatched this show not too long ago and it still stands up as a 10/10 TV show for me, so if you haven’t seen it before, I recommend you do!

Powerpuff Girls (1998)

Sugar, Spice and everything nice! The Powerpuff girls was obviously aimed at girls to try and bring in a bigger audience, but that didn’t stop my brothers and myself from watching it. What wasn’t to love? Kid super heroes, iconic bad guys and brutal fight scenes. I can still remember Mojo Jojo’s face when they beat him up and his brain was showing!

Cow & Chicken (1997)

Cow & Chicken remains an iconic piece of animated television history. Created by David Feiss, this quirky and humorous show has left a lasting mark on the hearts of viewers.

Cow & Chicken is known for its distinctive brand of humor, characterized by its absurdity and often surreal situations. The show’s humor resonates with both children and adults, making it a memorable experience for family viewing. The creators ingeniously blended slapstick comedy, wordplay, and clever satire to create a unique comedic atmosphere. This wide range of humor ensured that every viewer could find something to laugh about.

Main Characters

I am Weasel (1997)

I Am Weasel is another David Feiss classic cartoon that follows the antics of the civilized weasel and the… dimwitted baboon shouting his catchphrase ‘I R BABOON!’ while sniffing his finger! This show has the same sort of humor as Cow & Chicken pulling slapstick and wordplay together to create this great show.

2 Stupid Dogs (1993)

Two Stupid dogs is an earlier cartoon compared to the rest, but it was one of my favourite night time cartoon network shows (I think it aired at around 8-9pm). The two main characters have polar opposite personalities which makes for hilarious storytelling!

Tom & Jerry Kids (1990)

Tom & Jerry Kids is probably one that most people wouldn’t put on a greatest list, but this one had to have a special mention as it reminded me of the VERY rare time that I was off from school sick and this was on the TV (I had never seen it before). Back then, you couldn’t just go on demand and watch it whenever you wanted… I had to wait until I was off school sick again!

Samurai Jack (2001)

Samurai Jack isn’t a show that I watched the whole way through as I was mostly into the stupid humour of other shows with my brothers, whereas this show was more badass and felt like you couldn’t really just hop in and out with the story.

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (2001)

By the time Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy hit the screens, I was going through my ‘mosher’ phase (which I pretty much didn’t grow out of). Having a grim reaper as the main character drew me in, but the humor kept me coming back!

Flying Rhino Junior High (1998)

I don’t see anyone else giving this show the credit it deserves. The idea is silly, but I thought the episodes were really well put together and the art style was great. If you haven’t seen this one before, give it a bash!

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